Jesse Lester: A Redskin Once Again

Jesse Lester is a senior in his first season with Hurricane. However he is not new to the area. "I went to Middle School here and played football," Lester said. However as he recalled "I did some stupid stuff," and got into trouble. Possibly explaining why he has been attending Spring Valley until this year.
Lester sounds truely thrilled to be in Hurricane. "I feel home here this is my new team, my new family."
"I'm a different person mentally and physically," Lester says. "I have put on 45 pounds since this time last year," he says proudly discussed his 6'1' 205 lb frame. He is enjoying himself and any issues he may have with his temper are saved for the football field.

Some Redskin fans saw a display of Lester's temper getting a hold of him during June's Red v White scrimmage, as Jesse got into a skirmish with the biggest of the Skins, Steven Shine. "It was over as quick as it started and we have been "good" ever since.

Lester is ready to contribute any way he can on the Redskins defense. "I have been practicing at strong safety, but will also back-up (Mason) Giacomo at free safety when he is used on offense."
Jesse has also said "there is some talk" about getting in some time at will (Linebacker).
"Im gonna be on the field," he says defiantly. Who is to argue? He is by far Hurricane's biggest defensive back, who brings something special to the mix. "I love hitting people," Lester says with a smile, "I rather make a big hit than get a pick."
When asked about the difference between Spring Valley and Hurricane, he pointed to a couple things he has noticed. "We practice a lot harder here, we are committed every day, every practice. You cant miss a day here without falling behind or losing your spot."
Lester singled out his position coach Joe Pratt and his emotion and intensity for "making us want to come to practice each day. He has made me a lot better than I was at this time last season."

When I asked Jesse about the meaning of the upcoming Winfield game he hesitated stating they are all important "but honestly the Spring Valley game means more to me than Winfield."